Time for Ties

It’s that time of year when the ties come out in numbers.  Lots of dads like ties, and for my dad it is a sure bet.  He gets a tie for Father’s Day.  I also will throw in a tie on his birthday of course with his new socks.  I usually get the ties from Nordstroms.

They always have something new and quite frankly, I like the piano music.

My dad always uses the Windsor knot which is thick. I like a thinner knot, so I sent him a link to show him all the knots he could be tying  It teaches you how to tie anything from a Windsor knot to a bow tie.

I am not sure he got the point.  I met him for lunch about two months ago and wouldn’t you know it, another full Windsor.  Then I saw him again after church one Sunday and same thing.  So, I sent him an article on ties, and eureka he tied another knot.  So, you can teach an ol’ dog new tricks.

I know many men wear a tie with a suit only, but young people are finding ties that even go with jeans.


Fashion I suppose is in the eye of the beholder, but even I like to wear a tie with jeans to dress them up a bit, and actually avoid something more formal.  I have always been more of a jeans guy, and if I can wear a tie with jeans, so much the better.

So whether it is Father’s Day, a birthday, Christmas or almost any holiday, a tie is always a good idea for some men.  I just suggest you “kick it up a knot.”

And now that we are on the subject of “kicking it up a knot,” that is where I would recommend Penless.  I have told my dad, brother and friends about the free Penless app.  One great feature is the idea board and wish list.  Now when my dad goes shopping, he can take hundreds of pictures of ties he likes.  From the color to the design, he just snaps a picture and puts it on his idea board.  Later, he can browse his idea board and see which ties he would actually like to get as gifts and he puts those ties on his wish list.  This makes it easy for both of us.  He gets what he wants and I don’t spend time shopping for a tie that will just go in the bottom of his drawer.  Another great thing for my dad is that all the pictures he takes, which he puts on his idea board or wish list, are stored on the cloud.  It does not take up any storage on his phone.  My bother does not like to go to stores and shop for himself so he browses the web for what he wants.  Penless is great for online shoppers also.  All he does is goes on his phone, pulls up some of his favorite stores, and crops pictures of ties, or any other gift he would like. He then saves this to his wish list.  The Penless app saves the website automatically.  So easy for him to use and for me to shop.

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