The Electric Scooter Craze

Why Uber when you can take an electric scooter? Electric scooters seem to be the new wave of the generation. These electric scooters started popping up September of 2017 in Los Angeles. The two companies that currently own these electric scooters are Brid and Lime. Now, you can find Bird and Lime scooters in cities all over the United States. Both Bird and Lime company put out a statement saying that they have plans to bring the electric scooters to Europe.

I personally love the electric scooters for the fact that they are more cost efficient than Uber. If I am going somewhere far away then I obviously would Uber but for around town, it is nice to have a cheaper option. I visit San Diego a lot where Brid and Lime scooters are very popular. Since San Diego is so big, it only cost a couple dollars on an electric scooter to get from one part to the next. One of my favorite parts of San Diego is Little Italy. Unfortunately, I can never find parking anywhere close to any of the restaurants I want to go to. Since the electric scooters have come out, it is nice to not have to walk a distance or pay for an Uber to get to our destination. Uber has a minimum charge of $5 where the electric scooters only have a minimum charge of $1. For the electric scooters, it cost 15 cents per minute. I use it to get from one side of town to the other, so I usually pay no more than $5 plus get a fun ride out of it.

The convenient thing about these scooters is that you can leave them anywhere after you are done using them. You pick them up in one place and you leave them in another. This is how you see them on almost every street you walk down in San Diego. This is great for the riders, but many business owners complain to the city about this. Scooters can be left for days in front of a store without being picked up. I don’t see this happening too much. There are many people who charge these electric scooters and the more they charge, the more money they get. There is a bunch of controversy over the scooters and the cities they are in, so it will be interesting to see how long they last.

My kids love to have me take videos of them on the scooters and attach them to a Penless sticker to send to their aunts and uncles who do not have the electric scooters in their cities yet. Penless helps share the fun of electric scooters with everyone. From Stickers, to postcards, bookmarks, and wine tags, Penless has a variety to offer.


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