Keeping a Creative Journal

I used to think that journaling was a lot like keeping a diary.  For some people it may be just that.  I have recently gotten into journaling, but I use it a little differently that just writing down my thoughts.  Today, journaling has taken on a whole new meaning.  I have incorporated my Penless QR code stickers along with my journal and use it more as a memory keeper.  For example, If my daughter Megan has horse back riding lessons on Fridays, I can write a little blurb about what happened at her lesson or if she learned something new, then attach a Penless sticker next to the entry.  On the sticker I can either upload a picture or a video of her at her lesson.  It is almost like a memory book. I can always look back on my journal and see all the fun pictures and videos that we took on that particular day.


I try and journal everyday.  I usually take about 5 minutes and I keep it short and simple.  Journaling helps keep me prioritized with a fun, creative edge.

If you would like to try journaling, here are a few tips that helped me get started:

  • Relax – Have fun with it. If you are not enjoying it, you can always stop.  Don’t feel like you have to fill out every page or every date.  Think of journaling as a fun way to unwind.
  • Write whatever you want – You can write about thoughts or just what you did that day. The point is not to jot down every last thing you did that day.
  • It’s not a calendar – Well, it can be if that is really what you want. Don’t get hung up on meticulously recording your daily schedule.  Your journal should be free-form expression.
  • Start Small – You can start by just writing down one sentence each day. It can be a place you went, a quote you want to remember or anything else that makes it unique and your own.
  • It doesn’t have to be a literal journal – The best part about journaling is that there are no rules. You can let go of judgement and make it your own.


“What happens to us is not as important as the meaning we assign to it.  Journaling helps sort this out.” Michael Hyatt

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