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Epic Egg Hunt 🌷


As kids, many of us remember waking up early to see what the Easter Bunny left us 🐰  Sure, it wasn’t as cool as Christmas with Santa, but a close second.  This year the Easter Egg Baskets that I am making for my nieces and nephews are getting touched up just a “hare” by adding VideoDrops to the mix of goodies.  Our family always puts together an “egg-selent” Easter egg hunt every year and the kids go crazy over it.  We get pretty creative with what we put inside the eggs; some have money, some have chocolate, and others have items such as hair clips or erasers.   Not only do the VideoDrop stickers add a nice decorative touch, but we are adding clues with some video stickers attached to the outside of the eggs.  These clues will lead to the few “special” eggs we stash with extra goodies.  So, don’t go down that same rabbit hole again with the same old baskets. Use VideoDrops and jump right out 🐰



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