The USS Midway

The USS Midway is very popular because it was one of the longest-serving aircraft carriers in the 20th century. The Midway was the first in three-ship that features a flight deck and a strong air group of 120 planes.  March 20th, 1945 the Midway was built, by September 10th of the same year, the ship was commissioned overseas but missed World War 2 by one week. The aircraft carrier caught a German V-2 rocket which then became the dawn of naval missile warfare.

The ships first combat deployment was in 1965 against North Vietnam. Unfortunately, 17 Midway aircrafts were lost making the ship decommissioned for an overhaul lasting four years in 1966. The USS Midway was finally decommissioned in San Diego and is opened as a Museum in June of 2004.


You can take guided tours through parts of the Midway or you have the option of a self-guided audio tour. With a self-guided tour, you have the option to listen to a tour guide through a pre-recorded headset. The aircraft carrier is a huge part of San Diego’s and America’s military history. The tour has over 50 exhibits not including the flight deck. The tour shows you where they navy men and captain worked, slept, and ate. The ship housed close to 5,000 crew members serving between 1945 and 1992. Over the years, there has been more than 225,000 navy men and woman have been on deck. This ship was the largest ship in the world so there is a lot to tour taking a couple hours. There is a small food stand outside where you can get drinks and limited food options such as hot pretzels and chips.

My girlfriend and I went on the USS Midway last Saturday. We both had a blast and learned a lot! They have volunteer people in different sections that you can ask almost any question too about the USS Midway. The stories were very interesting and we both would eventually love to go back one day. We were on the ship for about 2 and a half hours. Parking is rough though. The lot they have next to the USS Midway is always jammed pack. Best bet is to find a meter a couple blocks down.


My girlfriend decided that she wanted to dedicate a page in our scrapbook to visiting the USS Midway. Since we took a combination of pictures and videos, she put the videos on a Penless sticker in the design of an American flag. She put the stickers inside the scrapbook so we were able to include all of our favorite pictures and videos.


I highly recommend visiting the USS Midway!



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