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Kiana Walker

A Spectacle of Lights

I have always been fascinated by the northern lights or what scientists refer to as Aurora Borealis. What causes this phenomenon, what is the best place and the best time to experience it, and what is the legend all about?   These mysterious lights are the result of collisions between gaseous particles in the Earth’s

The Chocolate Factory

Chocolate comes in all different flavors but the basics are milk chocolate and dark chocolate (personally, I prefer dark). Some may think white chocolate  is a basic flavor as well, but it is up for debate whether or not it is actually classified as chocolate. Chocolate comes in a million unique flavors, any flavor you

Reveal Party

Nowadays normal baby showers just don’t cut it, I mean it’s always nice to give the soon to be mom gifts to help be prepared…or as prepared as possible for the new life that is about to enter the family.  But baby showers are no longer what they used to be, in fact most couples

Rainy Days

Rainy days are either people’s favorite type of day or least favorite type of day. There is rarely any in-between. If you are like me, I find rainy days to be very boring because the only thing I can think of to do is go shopping. It is also hard because I have two small

A Taste of the Holidays

For many of us, growing up we would celebrate Christmas Eve having a huge feast surrounded with all of our family. When I was little, my family would go over to my grandparent’s house where we would meet up with all of our other cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. We would have an amazing dinner that

Penless Products

By now, we have all probably tried some of the Penless products.  Penless is making gift giving more personal, the way it was meant to be.  Adding an electronic message to paper, using the stickers is only one of the many features.  The app has so much to offer you whether you are the gifter

Man’s Best Friend

A few years ago I got a dog.  It was the first dog I ever owned. It took my family about two years to convince me to get a dog.  I was pretty hesitant about getting one since I was sure it would be a lot of work.  I was assured by my husband and

The Thought that Counts

  With Penless it is always The Thought That Counts.  But here is the difference between a Penless giver and everyone else: Often when you hear the term, “Well it is the thought that counts,” it comes with a measure of disappointment.  It is a tagline for a gift that didn’t quite measure up. According

Dog Days

  We have a family dog who is a male labradoodle named Cody. He loves anything to do with treats or walks. My kids are trying to teach him new tricks as he gets older. He already knows “sit,” “paw,” and “shake.” A new trick that my kids are trying to teach him is “roll

Planning the Perfect Baby Shower

Today is the day my best friend Stacy is having her baby shower! We have been friends since first grade and have always went to the same school growing up and even were roommates in college! It just so happened that our jobs we both got were local so we only live a few minutes

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